John Fund
The 2012 election was predicted to be one of the hardest fought in U.S. history, and one of the closest—a fact that brought concerns about voter fraud and bureaucratic incompetence in the conduct of elections front and center. John Fund, National Affairs Columnist for the National Review, wrote Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Our Vote at Risk, to address these issues and call for bi-partisan support to tighten loose election standards and sloppy procedures.
While Americans frequently demand observers and best practices in the elections of other countries, we are often blind to the need to scrutinize our own elections. “We may pay the price in 2012 if a close election leads us into pitched partisan battles and court fights that could dwarf the Bush-Gore recount wars,” said Fund.
As the former “On the Trail” columnist for The Wall Street Journal, John Fund was well known as a conservative political pundit and appeared regularly on Fox News and many right-of-center radio talk shows. However, his opportunities at other networks were sparse. We rose to meet this challenge, despite the heated and polarized climate in the days before the 2012 election.
By presenting Who’s Counting as a reasonable, bi-partisan call to prevent future instances of voter fraud and sloppy election practices, we opened the door to many media opportunities that were previously closed, including Opinion pieces in USA Today, appearances on CNN, MSNBC, and CBS’s Face the Nation, to name a few. John Fund was featured in the media virtually every day leading up to the elections, often with multiple bookings in a 24-hour period.