Enzymatic Therapy
We represented Enzymatic Therapy for 7 years and implemented a powerful PR program that made their brands top of mind for consumers, retailers and practitioners nationwide. We organized and managed the strongest Medical Advisory Board in the natural products industry, and made inroads into the top universities and women’s health organizations, including ACOG and NAMS. We helped the company through a tough transition when they were acquired by the German herbal giant Schwabe and merged forces with Nature’s Way. Our ongoing challenge was to tell the company’s story skillfully enough to get them featured in mainstream media outlets in addition to the industry trades, where they were parked before we came on board.
In essence, we assembled the right products, spokespeople, case studies and consumer testimonials to make a compelling case to the media wherever we told the Enzymatic Therapy story.
One illustration of strategy-in-action was our plan to keep Enzy’s Medicine Hunter Maca Stimulant on the shelves at Wal-Mart. We figured that that the best way to quickly increase consumer turns for the product—which had poor shelf positioning—was to land a story in the New York Times. We composed a compelling argument for why the Maca story needed to be told in full. It took weeks to find the right editor to champion the story and another month to get it assigned. Ultimately, a seasoned journalist stationed in Brazil traveled with his photographer and Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham to the Peruvian highlands to see Maca harvesting firsthand. As luck would have it, our story ran on New Year’s Day in 2008 on the front page of the Times Business section, accompanied by a full online multimedia presentation documenting the expedition http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/01/business/worldbusiness/01hunter.html.
Fulfilling our strategy, Enzymatic Therapy was mentioned in the most favorable light as a forward-thinking, sustainable-oriented company dedicated to supporting commerce with the very poor Maca harvesters in Peru, and bringing their treasured botanical to the North American market.