“Suicide Killers” by French/Israeli filmmaker Pierre Rehov www.pierrerehov.com, exposed the psychopathology of Islamic kamikazes through chilling interviews with incarcerated bombers and their families, and survivors of suicide attacks. The new documentary was wrapping just as Islamic terrorists bombed the London tube and buses on 7/7, placing Rehov in the unique position of addressing the impossible question on everyone’s mind: “Why do they do it?”
Within minutes of his call to us, we circulated a media pitch that made Rehov the international “must-have” guest of the hour. The next day he was interviewed by CNN, MSNBC and Fox News Channel, setting off an avalanche of television appearances and print interviews around the world that continued for two full years.
Rehov was interviewed on CNN’s Daybreak, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper 360, Glenn Beck, Fox News Channel’s Hannity and Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor, Neil Cavuto, Fox & Friends, MSNBC’s Connected Coast to Coast, and Tucker Carlson, ABCNewsNow.com, CBS Saturday Early Show, Christian Broadcasting Network’s 700 Club, Al-Jazeera and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and more. Interviews posted on Andrew Cochran’s Counterterrorism blog were read by top policymakers in Washington, DC, and intelligence and law enforcement agencies requested copies of the film for training. The pièce de résistance came in 2006 when City Lights Pictures purchased “Suicide Killers” for an Oscar-qualifying theatrical run in major U.S. cities. The DVD is now available on Amazon.com.