David J. Goldberg, M.D.
David J. Goldberg, MD, JD, was chosen by Self Magazine as “one of the top 10 laser surgeons in the U.S.” and was the first recipient of the Leon Goldman, MD Award, named after the father of laser medicine and surgery. Dr. Goldberg is Director of Laser Research and Mohs Surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital School of Medicine in NYC and is on faculty at Fordham University School of Law. He has three clinics in New Jersey and New York City and lectures at professional physicians’ conferences internationally. Our goal was to make his name as familiar to the public in NYC as it already was among his professional peers.
DDC focused on women’s glossies, top dailies and TV news in the greater New York City area. We pitched Dr. Goldberg as one of the leading researchers and skin laser surgeons in the world and an informed commentator on patient advocacy. His position as an attorney was particularly important at a time when the field of skin laser surgery is still largely unregulated and patients need to understand how to protect themselves.
We made key placements for Dr. Goldberg on every NYC network affiliate, in all the major women’s and health magazines like In Style, Allure, Elle, Cosmo and Marie Claire, in Time, the New York Times, New York Daily News, New York Post, Woman’s World, Essence, Latina, Upscale, American Way, Popular Science, Business Week, CNN.com, and ABC.com, to name a few. DDC booked him for regular presentations at the 92nd Street Y and connected Dr. Goldberg with a talented writer/editor with whom he could collaborate on a book. We introduced him to Joelle Delbourgo, a top literary agent who sold his book to a publishing house in a few weeks. We reworked his website, launched a regular ezine, and set up a system to expand his opt-in email data base. His appearance on CNN on January 20, 2002 played every hour throughout the day. According to CNN Health Focus anchor, the segment garnered “more email responses than any other story we have produced to date.”