Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
Jacob Teitlebaum, MD, is the author of a groundbreaking double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study on effective treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. His newly revised paperback edition of From Fatigued to Fantastic! (Avery Penguin Putnam) was being published at the same time the study was appearing in the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (vol. 8, number 2, 2001). Our campaign aimed at leveraging the book and research to popularize Dr. Teitelbaum’s unique treatment protocol, which showed an unprecedented 90 percent improvement rate within 2 years. This breakthrough held promise for restoring health and vitality to the 10 million CFS/FM sufferers in the U.S., who previously had no hope for getting their lives back.
CFS and Fibromyalgia are controversial. Eighty percent of patients are women who are routinely told by their physicians, “it’s all in your head.” Some doctors don’t even believe these syndromes are real. Our strategy was to educate health and medical reporters about the illness with the help of patients around the country. We highlighted Dr. Teitelbaum’s gold standard research, which had been editorialized in the Journal of the American Academy of Pain Management in April 2002. We booked Dr. Teitelbaum for speaking engagements with CFS/FM support groups, conferences and national health expos. Our media campaign focused on women’s glossies, general interest and health publications; general consumer health and alternative health publications; health radio and TV shows, and online publications that catered to chronic pain and fatigue sufferers. We expanded our pitches to address more general sleep, vitality and nutrition issues.
Persistence paid off. In December 2001, Dr. Teitelbaum’s interview on CNN.com was the second most emailed story of the month. Another ABC.com story added to the momentum. A story in the NY Daily News, “Mystery Malaise,” reached the country’s most work-weary metropolis. Dr. Teitelbaum spoke at the largest pain management conference in the U.S. to an SRO crowd of health professionals. He was invited to be a regular contributor to The Townsend Letter. Enzymatic Therapies collaborated with him on an energy boosting supplement formula, which popularized his work through health food stores around the country. An avalanche of articles in natural health and women’s glossies hit at the beginning of 2003. The demand for Dr. Teitelbaum’s books continues to grow day by day.