What You’re Really Meant To Do
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrN7MpNwwDw[/youtube]What You’re Really Meant to Do by Robert Steven Kaplan provides a unique road map for success that’s indispensible especially now when so many are scrambling to create a future and often recreate themselves against the odds. Kaplan is a leader of leaders–a former Vice Chairman at Goldman Sachs and now a professor and Dean at The Harvard Business School.
Millions of experts give advice on how to succeed, and most are professional advice-givers who’ve done nothing but give advice. Kaplan comes from an entirely different place. He rose to the top of the corporate world applying his brains, ethics and elbow grease. When Robert Kaplan speaks everyone listens and benefits. Any advice this guy wants to share, I’m all ears! (Check out his advice on Motley Fool–above)
Henry M. Paulson, Jr., 74th Secty of the US Dept of the Treasury, and former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs agrees: “Rob Kaplan has spent years mentoring and coaching executives and young professionals, and there is no one any better. This book is a superb guide for helping people understand themselves and reach their unique potential.”
According to 800 CEO Read: “This is a book for anyone, even those who think they have it all figured out. And even if they do, the book provides great insight and tips for improving the process of achieving one’s purpose.”
From Business World magazine, “This book opens the mind of the reader to a lot of self-exploratory questions rather than offering blind advice. It helps you understand yourself deeply and build a foundation based on this before starting a journey towards your dreams.”
BOTTOM LINE: Robert Steven Kaplan asks why most of us fail to spend sufficient time learning to understand ourselves and creating our own definition of success. He offers a road map to help readers defy conventional wisdom, resist peer pressure, and carve out a path that fits their unique skills and passions. Rob regularly advises executives and students on how to tackle these critical questions. Drawing on his years of experience, he shares an actionable approach to defining one’s own success and reaching your unique potential. See the book, reviews, and author bio at http://www.amazon.com/What-Youre-Really-Meant-Potential-ebook/dp/B00B6U63ZO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385136605&sr=8-1&keywords=what+you%27re+really+meant+to+do