Kosher Lube: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
[youtube][/youtube]If you enjoyed the Conan segment featuring Wet kosher lube, you’ll also like how Chelsea Handler handled the topic. The Kosher lube story was a...

Kosher Lube Creates Perfect Storm
[youtube][/youtube] Sometimes a “perfect storm” of great media coverage happens when a titillating news item meets an auspicious astrological moment accompanied by a well-worded pitch....

Is It Fibromyalgia or Lyme?
My last blog announced the launch of FFPN, the Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Practitioners’ Network ( The new org will train health practitioners in the highly...

Fatigue and Fibro Patients: Help Your Doctor Help You
Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FMS) year after year is agony. Ask the 12+ million Americans suffering with these disabling conditions and...

Curcumin is the latest natural antidote
The ingredient that makes the Indian spice turmeric bright orange is called curcumin–not to be confused with cumin, another famous Indian spice. A basic rule...